Teenage superspy Alex Rider travels from a reconnaissance mission at Wimbledon Tennis Championships to an investigation on Cayo Esqueleto, Cuba. He begins to make chilling links between several deaths, an illegal nuclear weapons deal and General Sarov's plans for the future of the world.
- Author: Anthony Horowitz
- Read by: Danny Bage
- Run time: 6 hours, 54 mins
- Number of CDs: 1
- Suggested reading age: 11+
DAISY on demand
This DAISY book is made to order and is non-returnable, unless faulty. It is packaged in a clear DVD case (no braille markings).
- Format Audio - DAISY
- Genre Children
- Medium CD
This DAISY book is made to order and is non-returnable, unless faulty. It is packaged in a clear DVD case (no braille markings).