Before buying a magnifier it’s important to know the magnification strength you require and what you’ll be using it for. For example, a pocket magnifier is ideal for reading labels and price tags, whereas a stand magnifier is suitable for longer periods of reading.
With an electronic video magnifier you can magnify images and text on a screen, change the colours and zoom in. Portable electronic magnifiers are great when out and about. Desktop electronic magnifiers can open a world of reading and TV-based electronic magnifiers are simplicity itself and connect to your existing TV.
With our range of magnifiers and accessories, you can make the most of your sight by making things bigger and clearer.
Optical magnifiers
Before buying a magnifier it’s important to know the magnification strength you require and what you’ll be using it for. For example, a pocket magnifier is ideal for reading labels and price tags, whereas a stand magnifier is suitable for longer periods of reading.
Electronic magnifiers
With an electronic video magnifier you can magnify images and text on a screen, change the colours and zoom in. Portable electronic magnifiers are great when out and about. Desktop electronic magnifiers can open a world of reading and TV-based electronic magnifiers are simplicity itself and connect to your existing TV.