Following the events in Ilse Witch, Walker Boh finds himself alone, caught in a dark maze beneath the ruined city of Castledown, stalked by a hungry, unseen enemy. Inhuman and old beyond reckoning, it commands ancient technologies and covets the magic of the living races. It is Antrax, and it traps the souls of men.
- Author: Terry Brroks
Read by: Tim Bruce
Run time: 13 hours, 3 mins
Number of CDs: 1
DAISY on demand
This DAISY book is made to order and is non-returnable, unless faulty. It is packaged in a clear DVD case (no braille markings).
- Format Audio - DAISY
- Genre Science fiction and fantasy
- Medium CD
This DAISY book is made to order and is non-returnable, unless faulty. It is packaged in a clear DVD case (no braille markings).