This self-study course is for sighted learners and teaches basic maths in contracted Unified English Braille (UEB). Students receive all the materials and tuition needed to complete the course, split over five months, with one tutor-marked assessment half-way through, and another one at the end. There is no exam.

Note: This is a follow-on course from the RNIB Certificate in Contracted Braille (UEB). As a result, students must have completed the RNIB Certificate in Contracted Braille (UEB), preferably with a grade C or higher, before enrolling on this course.

The course includes the following:

  • Numeric indicator and numeric mode (including the signs allowed in numeric mode such as the decimal point)
  • Fractions
  • +, −, ×, ÷, =,  ≠, <, >,  ≤,  ≥ and : (ratio)
  • Ordinal Numbers and Roman Numerals
  • Simple superscripts and subscripts
  • Square roots and cube roots
  • Common Greek letters
  • Unit abbreviations, dates, times of the day, phone numbers
  • Layout of maths expressions and questions with subsections
  • Guidelines for using grade 1 mode in maths expressions
  • Set out sums and simple tables

It does not cover any of the following:

  • Material covered in the RNIB Certificate in Contracted Braille (UEB) Course
  • Any other maths notation not listed above – e.g. Arrows, Shapes, Trigonometry, Matrices and Vectors, Set notation, Computer Notation, etc.
  • Chemical formulae
  • Skills in teaching braille to blind individuals

Enrolment dates:

There are two starting dates for the course each year: 1st February and 1st October. The closing date for receipt of applications for each intake is 23rd January or 23rd September respectively. Any applications received after these dates will be held until the next enrolment deadline.

Please note: You will not receive a physical product when purchasing this course. All course material will be sent to you via email. Please ensure you download and complete the application form (Word file) found in the ‘User Guide’ tab on this page and return prior to the course deadline. 


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