Code Jumper

Code Jumper


Code Jumper is designed to promote an understanding of basic coding and computer science with learners who are blind or have a vision impairment.

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Code Jumper is designed to promote an understanding of basic coding and computer science with learners who are blind or have a vision impairment. Code Jumper was originally designed by Microsoft and was developed by APH (The American Printing House for the Blind). This educational tool bridges the skills gap and opens up the world of coding to every learner.

Code Jumper helps to jump start learners' interest in computer science with its physical coding language. Designed for children aged seven to 11 years, this award-winning product takes coding off the computer screen and puts it physically into learners' hands. Any teacher can facilitate Code Jumper lesson plans, there's no prior computing experience required.

Code Jumper makes coding immediately accessible for kids who are blind or have a visual impairment, and who also have no prior computing experience. It is an intuitive system designed to be inclusive, enabling all learners to work together and build confidence through socialisation, cooperation, critical thinking, and hands-on learning.

Brightly coloured plastic pods with oversized buttons and knobs are connected by “jumper cables” (thick cords) to physically create computer code that can tell stories, make music, and even crack jokes. Code Jumper teaches underlying skills that can empower the next generation to pursue meaningful careers in computer science.

All Code Jumper programming products are auditory in nature; the sound sets include musical notes, songs, voiced stories, animal sounds, and much more.

Any teacher can facilitate Code Jumper lesson plans without prior computer science experience!

Special order

Code Jumper is distributed by RNIB and HumanWare in the UK. Visit for more information and to download free lesson plans that support the National Curriculum at KS1 and KS2. We work with partners to deliver products on our behalf. We will pass on your contact information to be able to deliver the product effectively. Whilst delivery is usually within seven days, it may take up to six weeks.  

Important - order cancellations and returns

We are unable to cancel your order once it has been placed. Should you change your mind about this special order product, you will need to accept the delivery and then contact RNIB Helpline to arrange its return; guidance on how to do this can be found in our Returns Policy.

Lesson plans, user guides and videos

Visit to download the free teaching resources and to watch videos of Code Jumper being used in lessons and to learn the story of its development.

The curriculum has been developed by Qualified Teacher of Children and Young People with Vision Impairment (QTVIs) with a specialty in STEM education (science, technology, engineering and mathematics). The 25-hour program comprises 19 lessons targeting key concepts in computer science; building up from basic lessons such as “What is a computer” to advanced concepts including “Protocols”, and “Boolean Logic”.  

The lessons are highly structured, with key objectives, key vocabulary, “unplugged” group lessons, guided activities, and expected student outcomes.

The curriculum will be continually expanded upon and users can expect it to grow as their Computer Science education expands.

  • Code Jumper is tactile, where students code by turning knobs and pushing buttons. The physical nature of the work engages the whole student - both their mind and their body - to create a personally meaningful end-product.
  • Code Jumper is inclusive, because blind and partially sighted children can successfully program without the need to type.
  • Code Jumper is for all children, although developed with the needs of learners who are blind or have a vision impairment in mind, it’s designed to be a fun tool for everyone. It enables all children to learn fundamental programming concepts in a very concrete, collaborative, and tangible way.

In the carrying case

Code Jumper is delivered in a convenient, hardcover, durable carrying case. The inside of the case is a polyethylene sponge and the pods fit quite snugly inside to help protect and organise the pods.

  • One – Hub.
  • Eight - Play pods.
  • Three - Pause pods.
  • Two - Loop pods.
  • One – Splitter.
  • One – Merger.
  • 12 Constants plugs.
  • Three - Variables plugs.

Batteries required

  • The hub takes four AA batteries (not supplied).

Download the free app

The hub connects via Bluetooth and the Code Jumper app. Download the free app from the Microsoft Store. It requires a PC or Tablet running Windows 10 version 1803 or later.  

The user interface is very simple, works with screen readers and allows the teacher and learners to read the code as defined by the pods. It’s also possible to play the program from the app.

The app is compatible with screen-reading software and is accessible for partially sighted learners who have unique layout needs.

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